Erectile dysfunction suffer more than 50 % of senior men. Erectile dysfunction suffer more than 150 million men all over the world, including approximately 20 million Europeans and 30 million Americans. Each 10 man after 21 suffers erection infringements. The full erectile dysfunction is observed at 5 % of men at the age of 40 years and at 15 % at the age of 70 years. 35 % of men with erectile dysfunction have heavy degree of infringement of an erection. The man shouldn't be reconciled with infringement or absence of an erection. What are the reasons of erectile dysfunction? It can have 2 types of reasons:the psychological and organic. The organic includes: 1)decrease in activity of sexual glands and level of a hormone of testosterone. In that case ED is accompanied by voice change, adiposity, reduction of growth of hair on the person.
2) Substances and medical products which cause ED. It not only alcohol and drugs, but also medical products which are the medicines lowering pressure, hormonal medicines etc. 3) Neurologic diseases, such as Parkinson illness, a multiple sclerosis, an epilepsy, traumas head and a spinal cord. 4) the Vascular reasons of an impotence are considered as the most widespread. They have communication with infringement of a current of blood on vessels and arteries and bad blocking of veins which doesn't allow an erection to be long. The patients suffering from hypertensive illness and a diabetes, often have ED . In most cases the patient suffers at once both from an ED and from a prostatitis. A principal cause of development of disease - stresses and depressions. Psychological ED people face more often. It has direct communication with constant stressful situations, depressions which the person faces before sex (incompatibility of interests, pregnancy of the partner, infection and so on).
How can a person struggle ED? The first rule is to make some simple lifestyle changes, adopting a healthier lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and reducing stress, may be all that is needed. And the second is to advert medical help.